1) May 5, 2007 (10am-5pm) - henna at a Church festival (Church of St. Francis of Assisi, 80 Water Lane North, Levittown, NY 11756)
2) *maybe* May 12-13, 2007 (10am-6pm Saturday & 10am-1pm Sunday) - henna (Scriber's Farm - Oxford, CT) http://www.forestfolkfest.com/ *I don't know if it's too late for me to get in…I might just go there to hang out with a friend of mine who's vending and take a drum lesson.* If anything I can check it out and keep it in mind for next year!
3) June 2, 2007 (12pm-4pm) - *booked* for a Bridal shower in Long Island
4) June 9, 2007 (10am-7pm) - ISD Renaissance Festival (International School of Dundee, 55 Florence Road, Riverside, CT 06878) http://www.isdrenaissance.com/home.html
5) August 4 - September 23, 2007 (10am-7pm) - New York Renaissance Faire (Sterling Forest, Tuxedo, NY) http://recfair.com/NY/
6) September 29 - October 21, 2007 (10am- 5:30pm) - Connecticut Renaissance Faire (Hebron, CT) http://www.ctfaire.com/