Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tribal Bonfire...

No henna business for Gina =(

It was a lovely event...I saw some wonderful bellydancing acts and drum solos...


I didn't do any henna business. So I will be emailing the coordinator soon (I've been crazy busy, but when I get a moment) and tell her that I am recommending that half day vending should be from 9 or 10am until 4pm. I had a few dancers (maybe 3) say that they wished I was there earlier...they would have gotten henna after they (pick one): taught their class, in between class, and/or before the show. Once the show went on...I had no one walk by.

Ah well...a learning experience.

I am greatful for the opportunity...but wish I had some henna business.

Hopefully, next time...

Up next...NYRF!!!! Come visit!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I was browsing online and saw that the Library workshop I went to last week has some pictures up on their website. Check it out here!

How cool is that! I'm in the news =)

Also, come see me at Tribal Bonfire this Sunday (7/22) from 4:00-8:30pm in New Paltz.

AND...NYRF opens in 17 days!!!

See you soon!


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Great success!

The workshop went very well yesterday! The library was great and it was lovely to meet Ms. H (Tish's friend) at the library in the Township of Washington. (check it out...I'm listed on the website!)

I ended up doing henna on 6 young girls and 3 moms =)

The girls were a little shy at first, but I broke the ice by doing henna on my friend Tish...

All in all, I think it went really well. Tish took a copy of my handout and permission slip to bring back to her library for her director to see. She'd like me to do a workshop at her library too.

Who knows? I may be at another library in NJ in the near future (or this fall).

Stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Teen workshop

Tonight I'll be teaching a henna workshop at a Library in New Jersey!

I have a really cool handout that I made for the class =) It's partially my normal care sheet and partially some new information and resources. I will try to post it online (when I figure out how to do that!).

Happy henna-ing!


Thursday, July 05, 2007

Another siting!

July 22, 2007 (4 - 8:30pm) Tribal Bonfire - (New Paltz, NY) www.tribalbonfire.com

Come visit me =)

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